Virtual Mindfulness Skills Groups
(Philadelphia PA, Ocean City NJ, Mechanicsville VA) Mindfulness Support Group
Ella Chrelashvili, MA
(She / Her / Hers)
Associate Therapist
Pennsylvania , New Jersey
Virtual Mindfulness Skills Groups (Philadelphia PA, Ocean City NJ)
Mondays @ 8pm
Enrollment Fee: 25$
Fee 30$
Online videoconferencing (link shared upon enrollment)
This mindfulness skills group teaches mindfulness meditation practice: a powerful way to calm down, get to know your thoughts and feelings, and find joy in your life. You can learn more about this group by clicking the link to the group flyer and reviewing the FAQ below!
Mindfulness Support Group (with Jonah) is open, ongoing group is for people with previous mindfulness exposure or training who could benefit from a supportive community to strengthen their practice. Each session will include a guided meditation and opportunities for discussion.
Mindfulness Based Skills is designed for people with no prior mindfulness experience and advanced mindfulness experience.
Mindfulness Support Group: Mondays w/Samantha @ 8pm
Online videoconferencing (link shared upon enrollment)
This mindfulness skills group teaches mindfulness meditation practice: a powerful way to calm down, get to know your thoughts and feelings, and find joy in your life. You can learn more about this group by clicking the link to the group flyer and reviewing the FAQ below!
Mindfulness Support Group (with Jonah) is open, ongoing group is for people with previous mindfulness exposure or training who could benefit from a supportive community to strengthen their practice. Each session will include a guided meditation and opportunities for discussion.
Mindfulness Based Skills is designed for people with no prior mindfulness experience and advanced mindfulness experience.
FAQ Mindfulness Skills Groups (PA, NJ)
Who can join this group? Anyone! No meditation experience is required, and those who already have a meditation practice are welcome. That said, this group will not be a good fit if you're experiencing severe distress, so please ask your TCFG therapist before enrolling.
What's the cost of the Mindfulness Skills Groups (PA, NJ)?
$20/session or 10$ a session for TCFG clients who meet with their individual or couples therapist at least twice a month.
$ 25 initiation fee for all clients
Can I join any time the Mindfulness Skills Group (PA, NJ)?
Yep! Although the skills taught build on each other, you can get a lot out of group no matter when you sign up.
How will I learn to meditate in the Mindfulness Skills Group (PA, NJ)?
We learn by talking to each other, learning about mindfulness, and practicing together. These three pillars - practicing, listening, and building community - provide a supportive environment for learning a simple, but challenging, skill. Each week, we learn about, try, and reflect on a different kind of meditation practice. The goal is to leave the group with a sense of how meditation might work in YOUR life, and the experience necessary to keep your practice going in a way that works for you.
Is there homework in the Mindfulness Skills Group (PA, NJ)?
Kind of. Meditation practice doesn't work very well if you only do it once a week, so the facilitator will suggest ways you can practice at home.
What will I learn in the Mindfulness Skills Group (PA, NJ)?
This mindfulness based skills group is divided into 5 modules, each with two sessions:
- Calming Down: Calming Down the Body & Calming Down the Mind
- Tuning In: Mindfulness of Body & Mindfulness of Sound
- Letting Be: Allowing Thoughts & Allowing Feelings
- Taking Care: Care for Self & Care for Others
- Waking Up: Expanding Awareness & Being the Space
Do I need anything in the Mindfulness Skills Group (PA, NJ)?
Yes. A private, quiet place; a good internet connection; a straight-backed chair or meditation cushion (optional); a meditation app (see flyer for options); pillows and blankets (optional)
Mindfulness Exercises:
- Inquiry and Self Compassion
- Expanding Awareness
- Compassion Practice
- Mindfulness of Emotion
- Mindfulness of Thought
- Mindfulness of Sound
- Body Scan
- Gatha
- Diaghragmatic Breathing
- Breath Awareness
How do I sign up for the Mindfulness Based Skills Group in Philadelphia PA & Ocean City NJ?
Contact Ella Chrelashvili or an intake therapist at 215 922 5683 and follow the prompts and ask them to schedule you with me for a 1/2 hour assessment (fee 25).
Skills group is $30 per session