Grief Therapy in Philadelphia PA, Ocean City NJ, Mechanicsville VA, Providence RI and Santa Fe NM can be very useful and effective to help individuals cope with the emotions and stressors connected to a loss. Everyone responds to loss differently, and depending on the individual and the severity of the loss, one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors around their loss can be difficult to manage alone. When coping with the loss of a loved one, time, and the love and support of friends and family around you are key, however when that’s not enough, having an unbiased professional can help you process the loss, help you understand why you are reacting this way, and how to better manage your symptoms moving forward. There is a common misconception out there about grief therapy, however. Many clients who seek out grief therapy share that they feel a reluctance because they’re trying to feel “less sad” and believe that the coming to therapy to talk about their pain and loss will only make their grief and pain worse. Here at the Center for Growth, our approach to grief therapy is designed to help feel safety and support in exploring your loss and sadness with the intention learning better ways to manage your symptoms and to live your life.
Grief & Loss Therapists in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Providence, Santa Fe
What To Expect In Grief Therapy at The Center for Growth located in Philadelphia, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Providence, Santa Fe
Expect to tell your story. If and when you are ready, your therapist will want to learn about you, and the loved one you’ve lost. Your therapist will want to know what was special about your relationship with this person, what it was like to face loss, and what it has been like for you ever since losing your loved one. Your story not only helps your therapist understand what’s behind your grief more, but also give him/her insight into what your life was like before and after such a loss. Expect to tell you therapist what you want out of therapy. If you’re unsure as to what you want, that’s okay, be honest about your uncertainty, your therapist is there to help you discover it together. Your therapist will not be able to cure your grief forever. But he/she can help you find ways to hurt less, and when you do hurt, have better strategies to utilize. Expect support. Your therapist is there to educate you on what’s typically to be expected during this time. He/she will be there to normalize some of your experiences and emotions, as well as address any concerning behavior. There is no set expectation or number in terms of the frequency and duration you attend therapy for grief and loss. Again, everybody reacts to loss and grieves differently, the length and frequency will depend on your needs, your comfort, your decision. As needed your therapist may speak up and go over some recommended options for you, but regardless, you dictate your own therapy.
Various Types Of Loss:
Today, losing a loved one is no longer considered as the only form of loss. There are various types of loss we all experience, and sometimes we don’t even view it as necessarily a “loss.”
The following list is just a handful of examples of the types of losses many of us go through:
- Loss of a pet
- BabyLoss
- Loss of job/career change
- Divorce/end of relationship
- Relocation of self or friend
- Family cutoffs
- Stopped use to a previous coping mechanism or compulsion (eating disorder, drinking, etc).
- Change in health/lost limb
- Grief & Loss for children, tweens & teens
There are a lot of changes and new issues one has to deal with when experiencing grief and loss. Your previous traditions, rituals, and expectations are now in question, or no longer work for you. Family celebrations and holidays can be harder to manage and to navigate, especially during the first few years. Making the decision to try grief therapy can be scary, uncertain, and you may have many doubts about your decision. Most likely you find yourself willing to try grief therapy because you can’t imagine going on functioning in the mode and at the pace you currently are. You need a need a change, whether it’s support, an emotional lift, development of new tools and strategies for coping, or simply a friend. Whatever it may be for you, grief therapy here at the Center for Growth can help you have these needs met. Help is available.
Grief Therapy in Philadelphia, Mechanicsville, Providence, Ocean City, Santa Fe
Grief and loss is one of the most painful human experiences someone can go through, it’s inevitable that all of us will unfortunately experience major loss or lose a loved one in our lifetime: loss of a pet, divorce, family estrangements, relocation, relocation of a friend, death of a parent, death of a friend, babyLoss, divorce, end of a relationship, and loss of a limb / loss of health. Grief can cause both an emotional and physical response for individuals, symptoms can range from insomnia or hypersomnia, lack of appetite, weight loss/gain, dissociation, emotional dysregulation, denial, anger, anxiety, depression, etc. Grief and loss can be overwhelming and impact your quality of life in a negative way, but it’s important to remember that the grieving process is not one you have to do alone!
Grief therapists are available at The Center for Growth and provide grief therapy for loss of a loved one, loss of a pet, loss of a job, loss due to relocation, loss due to family cut offs, loss of health / loss of limbs in Philadelphia PA, Mechanicsville VA, Ocean City NJ, Providence RI and Santa Fe NM.
Grief therapy can be an incredibly effective way to help children, teens and adults, as well as couples, and families begin to cope. Although many people have a support system to assist in their journey with grief, sometimes having an unbiased professional, a grief therapist who is an expert in mental health, can be most effective in coping with grief. Grief therapy can help individuals process the loss, gain insight into their reactions, and better manage symptoms moving forward. There is a common misconception out there about grief therapy, however. Many clients who seek out grief therapy share that they feel a reluctance because they’re trying to feel “less sad” and believe that coming to grief therapy to talk about their grief and loss will only make their grief and loss more painful. Here at the Center for Growth, grief therapy is designed to recognize that healing is not linear and that your grieving process might look or feel different than others. Our approach to grief therapy is held from the belief we don’t just “get over” or “move on” from our grief and loss, but we instead grow capacity for our grief.
Grief Therapy: The Center For Growth recognizes various forms of grief
The grieving process is a unique journey, one that looks and feels different for everyone. When we hear the word “grief,” we often think of bereavement. Bereavement is the type of grief when you experience human loss or a loss of a loved one. Today, losing a loved one is no longer considered as the only form of grief and loss. There are various types of grief and loss we all experience, and sometimes we don’t even recognize it as necessarily “grieving.” This is called disenfranchised grief, which is when someone’s mourning feels limited or restricted in some way. This happens often in our society because people tend to devalue grief and loss, stigmatize the circumstances of loss, dismiss complicated grief, and lack awareness on the impact of certain forms of grief. Grief and loss can take on many forms, some examples of disenfranchised grief are divorce, end of a relationship, relocation of self, health changes, loss of a limb, estrangement from family, loss of a pet, career changes, and even the ending of previous coping mechanisms such as eating disorders or compulsions. So what would grief therapy in Philadelphia PA, Mechanicsville VA, Ocean City NJ, Providence RI, and Santa Fe NM look like for these various forms of grief and loss?
Bereavement Therapy
Individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one, be it a partner/spouse, parent, sibling, child, or family friend, can often feel very isolated or alone in their grieving process. This is one of many reasons to seek grief therapy if you’re needing a safe place to express your pain without explanation or judgment. The Center for Growth’s grief therapists believe grief is a process of how to love a person who is no longer present and/or how to carry the burden of their absence. Again, something you don’t have to do alone if in grief therapy. The Center for Growth also has a Grief and Loss Virtual Support Group for clients in PA, VA, and NJ.
BabyLoss Therapy in Philadelphia, Ocean City & Mechanicsville
Baby Loss Therapy
The Center for Growth has several bereavement / grief therapists whose mission it is to work with people and families who have experienced baby loss. Baby loss is an incredibly painful and challenging time for individuals, children, and families. Baby loss can include various forms of loss such as miscarriage, stillbirth, termination of pregnancy for medical reasons (TFMR/TOPFA), infertility, perinatal hospice, abortion, etc. Our bereavement / grief therapists are here to support you and your family during this complex bereavement.
Grief Therapy For Divorce/End of Relationship
When grieving a divorce, the end of a marriage or relationship, it’s important to have patience and self-compassion towards yourself. Breakups and divorces can come with many disruptions in life; routine, responsibilities, finances, kids, home, identity, etc. Many times divorce or end of relationships can come with grieving the ability to see your children everyday or the loss of relationships you formed with your in-laws or partner’s family. The end of a relationship can be an incredibly stressful and emotional experience, even if the relationship was no longer good for you it can still come with many emotions to experience during the grieving process. Individuals might feel sadness, anger, resentment, guilt, regret, helplessness, and behavioral changes can occur simultaneously with these emotions. Our grief therapists at The Center for Growth are here so you don’t have to process this alone and can assist you in regulating your emotions/behaviors since the loss of this relationship.
Grief Therapy for Relocation & Moving or Career Change
Individuals naturally form a sense of identity within their career roles or location of home. It can be common for humans to grieve with change and it’s especially likely for stress levels to increase during major life changes such as relocation & moving or changing career paths. Two of the most stressful events for individuals to experience in their lifetime are moving and job loss. For some, these changes could be planned for reasons such as retirement, downsizing, family moving in or out. But for others, it could be an unexpected change due to natural disaster, change in income, being laid off, or a family member becoming ill. Whether these changes are planned or not, the stress of change can contribute to negative changes of your wellbeing. Relocation of self and career changes can result in grieving of how you identify with the roles you occupied in these spaces. The Center for Growth has grief therapists trained to navigate these changes and provide you with the support needed.
Grief Therapy for Changes in Declines in Health, Aging, Chronic Pain & Chronic Illness
Medical problems and chronic illness can cause major added stress for individuals and their loved ones. As we age, our development can bring on various health changes or decline in cognitive ability. A diagnosis or change in health is unexpected and shocking, and can leave you grieving the loss of who you once were or who you imagined yourself to be in the future. Chronic illness and health changes are unpredictable and many times cause individuals to live in conditions that don’t always have a cure. Many people find themselves feeling overwhelmed facing the many obstacles that come with medical problems as well, such as navigating the medical system, pain management, how to cope with the loss of ability, sense of self, finances, and relationships becoming blurred within caregiving dynamics. The Center for Growth has a Chronic Pain Virtual Support Group and grief therapists to support you as you authentically express grief for the many losses that come from health changes or aging.
Grief Therapy for Estrangement From Family in Philadelphia PA, Mechanicsville VA, Santa Fe NM and Ocean City NJ, Providence RI
Conflict within interpersonal relationships is inevitable for all of us, but sometimes that conflict turns into being completely estranged from loved ones which can be a significant loss to endure. Estrangement from parents, children, or siblings is difficult for all that are involved, whether this was your choice to disconnect from them or not. Seeking grief therapy to process what life looks like with the loss of this relationship can be a helpful support to have during this difficult time. Many feelings of helplessness, guilt, and shame can surface through estrangement and suppressing these feelings can sometimes only exacerbate anxiety and depression. The Center for Growth can provide grief therapy to those who are grieving a once-close relationship and are unsure how to move forward.
Grief Therapy for Loss of Pet in Philadelphia PA, Mechanicsville VA, Santa Fe NM Providence RI and Ocean City NJ
Many times we seek out pets for comfort, and it’s likely a pet quickly becomes a part of your family over time. Pets provide unconditional love and many people even look for pets as a way to cope with a challenging time. So to experience the death of your pet is a painful loss to experience, and one that grief therapy can also be incredibly helpful for. The Center for Growth has pet grief therapists available to bear witness to this pain and process this loss of pet with you.
Grieving Coping Mechanisms Therapy (Dependence, Smoking Cigarettes, Eating Disorders, etc.) in Philadelphia PA, Providence RI Mechanicsville VA, Santa Fe NM, and Ocean City Recovery often involves major changes to our habits, habits which you might feel dependent on. Breaking habits or finding new coping mechanisms is a form of grief and loss, which is part of the reason why it’s so difficult for people to do. Compulsions and dependence, disordered eating, smoking cigarettes, etc. all become ways to cope with daily life whether it’s healthy or not. The Center for Growth recognizes how much grief and loss therapy overlaps with recovery work, and has grief therapists trained to help you grieve what was once a familiar coping mechanism to you.
Child, Tween & Teen Grief Therapy

Dan Spiritoso, MS
(He / Him / His)
Associate Therapist

Jessica Soriano, LSW
(She / Her / Hers)
Associate Therapist
Pennsylvania , New Jersey
What To Expect In Grief & Loss Therapy: Philadelphia PA, Mechanicsville VA, Providence RI, Santa Fe NM, and Ocean City NJ
Expect to tell your story. If and when you are ready, your grief therapist will want to learn about you, the loved one you’ve lost, or your disenfranchised grief. Your story not only helps your grief therapist understand what’s behind your grief and loss more, but also gives them insight into what your life was like before and after such a loss. Expect to tell your grief therapist what you want out of grief therapy. If you’re unsure as to what you want, that’s okay, be honest about your uncertainty, your therapist is there to help you discover it together. Your grief therapist will not be able to cure your grief, but The Center for Growth can bear witness to your pain, assist you in growing capacity for your grief, and seek better strategies to utilize. Expect support. Your grief therapist is there to educate you on what’s typically to be expected during this time. They will be there to normalize some of your experiences and emotions, as well as address any concerning behavior. There is no set expectation or number in terms of the frequency and duration you attend therapy for grief and loss. Again, everybody reacts to loss and grieves differently, the length and frequency will depend on your needs, your comfort, your decision. As needed your grief therapist may speak up and go over some recommended options for you, but regardless, you dictate your own therapy.
OUR GUARANTEE: you deserve the best couples counselor or marriage therapist possible. If you don't feel like the couples therapist that you met with was the right fit, then free of charge you can try out a different therapist. Being in a group practices allows for flexibility.
The Center for Growth has offices in multiple states. We offer both Couples Counseling and Marriage Therapy inperson as well as virtual appointments.
The Center for Growth Therapy Offices in PA, NJ, VA, RI, NM
- Ocean City Therapy Office
360 West Ave, Floor 1, Ocean City, NJ 08226 - Mechanicsville Therapy Office
9044 Mann Drive, Mechanicsville Virginia, 23116 - Providence Therapy Office
173 Waterman St. Providence, RI 02906 - Society Hill Therapy Office
233 S. 6th Street, C-33, Philadelphia PA 19106 - Art Museum / Fairmount Therapy Office
2401 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 1a2, Philadelphia PA 19130 - Santa Fe Therapy Office, 2204 B Brothers Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505
- Telemedicine: We have therapists who are licensed to work in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia.
If you would like to schedule a couples counseling or marriage therapy appointment, you are encouraged to look at our clinician biographies and schedule online. Each therapist's phone number is listed on their home page, or you can call (215) 922-LOVE (5683) x 100 to speak with one of our intake specialists. You may also contact our Director, “Alex” Caroline Robboy, CAS, MSW, LCSW at (267 324 9564) to discuss your particular situation.