Summer Body Image Anxiety

As summer approaches and trips to the pool or beach become more common, it is easy to think that you must start doing 1000 sit-ups a day or skip meals to perfect your “beach continue reading
TIPs: Eating Disorders > Eating Disorder: Self Help Strategies for Change.
As summer approaches and trips to the pool or beach become more common, it is easy to think that you must start doing 1000 sit-ups a day or skip meals to perfect your “beach continue reading
Practicing Body Neutrality: A Path to Self-Acceptance
What is Body Neutrality?
In a world saturated with images of unattainable beauty standards and societal pressures to achieve the "perfect" body, many individuals continue reading
9% of the population is affected by eating disorders. You are not alone. It is common for eating disorders to develop in teenage years through young adulthood. After realizing you may have an continue reading
Defining Food Morality
Every food serves a different nutritional purpose for us. Foods fuel our bodies through different nutrients. Eating a wide range of foods helps us naturally get many nutrients that continue reading
Mindful Eating
Food is not only a way to nourish your body, but has also become a way to socialize, cope, and entertain. Society has placed more attention on what you eat, how much you continue reading
Binge eating puts us in an emotional, addictive and trance-like state. When we binge, we use food to soothe negative emotions. Food becomes our cure-all. Feeling sad? Eat. Feeling angry? Eat. Feeling scared? Eat. Feeling continue reading
Body Image Basics
While some men may indeed suffer with body image issues, this tip is specifically written for women. Imagine a continuum with extremes at either end:
Discovering Motivation to Change: Do you have a bad habit that you want to change? Do you find that no matter what you try, you keep falling back into the same patterns and doing the continue reading
Body Image Therapy in Philadelphia: Women and Body Image: How to Restructure Your Thinking by Nurturing your body
When it comes to our own perception of our body image, many people tend to submit continue reading
Center for Growth / Self Esteem Therapy in Philadelphia, Providence, Ocean City, Mechanicsville, Santa Fe: Increasing confidence and self esteem.
Self esteem is a measure of how favorable you rate your abilities continue reading
Center for Growth / Body Image Therapy in Philadelphia: Completing a Thought Record to Address Poor Body Image
It is common for individuals living in Philadelphia to struggle with self-confidence about their body and appearance continue reading
Boundaries: Re-framing the concept
The term boundaries means the limits you set with others based on what you feel most comfortable with; this can be physically, emotionally,intellectually, sexually, the list goes on. If you are continue reading
The use of affirmations can be a powerful tool in generating positive change in your life. The definition of an affirmation is to declare that something is true. Really all of our thoughts and words continue reading
Identifying Your Boundaries: Boundaries are “guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for him- or herself that are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around him or her continue reading
This tip is designed to help you answer a few questions about using coping skills for anxiety and depression. So, in order to begin a discussion about coping skills and how to use them, it continue reading