Pregnancy Class: Prepare for Motherhood Class / Group - Now Forming
Are you the only one you know who is pregnant? Do you want to make friends with other women who will have babies about the same age as your child? Do you have questions about what to expect. Then this group is just for you.
This motherhood class / group is designed to answer all the questions that women have that their doctors do not have time to answers and to create an environment where women can support each other. It takes a village to raise a child. Getting informed about what to expect and establishing a support network is the first step to taking care of yourself as you embark upon this new journey of motherhood.
Topics that will be covered in the prepare for motherhood class / group:
* First trimester body changes.
* Second trimester body changes.
* Third trimester body changes.
* Pregnancy and nutrition. What foods to focus on and what foods to minimize.
* Pregnancy and body image. Adjusting to your new look.
* Pregnancy and exercise. Thoughts, tips and ideas for what to do.
* Sex and pregnancy, is it safe? Typical sexual changes in intimacy, libido, positions and sensations.
* What is a doula? And how do I locate one.
* Getting ready for baby.
* Asking for help and setting boundaries with friends and family.
* Preparing for parenthood.
* Philadelphia resources.
Questions? Wish to enroll? Call 267-324-9564. Center for Growth / Therapy in Philadelphia. We are located at 5th & Locust, in Center City.